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The Vital Role of HR Consultants in Start-Up Success

by Melissa Behrend | May 31, 2024
Discover how HR consultants can be the key to success for your start-up business.....
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2021 in review: Your most appreciated HR tips to future proof your business in the new year.

by Melissa Behrend | Dec 22, 2021
What a year it has been. Throughout Australia employers and employees have had to navigate the new working world that has come with the Pandemic. From lockdowns and Covid-safe plans to mask wearing, vaccine mandates and the overall implications that flexible work has had on teams and workflow. 2021 is sure to have impacted your work environment in more than one way. For small and medium business owners, ensuring you stay informed and are armed with the right tools to manage teams, output and structure has been more important than ever. Whilst unprecedented, the past 2 years have solidified the importance or strong processes and communication. So, we have compiled a list of your favourite HR topics and guides throughout the year to future proof your business in 2022.....
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Topics: Flexible work

The great resignation. Why employees will be tuning out and signing off in 2022

by Melissa Behrend | Nov 17, 2021
As we move towards a post-pandemic world, huge shifts in the way we work are expected to change the nature of the employer-employee relationship forever. Workers re-evaluating and reprioritising their work life will put pressure on businesses seeking talent in ways they haven’t faced before. Here’s how to get your business ready for the great resignation.....
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How to win talent in a tightening employment market.

by Melissa Behrend | Nov 10, 2021
The winners in the current employment market will be the businesses that think outside of the box. Keep an open mind in both what you offer and what you look for in employees in order to attract – and keep – the best talent available.....
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All aboard! Why the early days in a new role are critical to long term employee success.

by Melissa Behrend | Nov 3, 2021
An effective onboarding program helps set up new employees for success and can save your business recruitment dollars. Make sure all your employees are travelling in the same direction from the beginning because it’s impossible to go back in time and make things right if you neglect the crucial early days.....
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Big business HR Hacks. How to punch above your weight as an SME

by Melissa Behrend | Oct 27, 2021
One of the challenges of being a small and medium-sized business is that without a dedicated team of specialists, you often have to make do and cut corners when it comes to HR. In this article, we’ll help you take your HR thinking to the next level with five insider tips from HR professionals with big business experience.....
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HR and the pandemic. The impact on business relationships

by Melissa Behrend | Oct 19, 2021
When recruiting staff is tough because demand exceeds supply, part of the solution lies in retaining and developing your existing employees to grow alongside your business. Here’s how to help keep employees feeling the love. The Post-Covid labour market in Australia is a seller’s market. This means there is a surplus of job vacancies compared to the number of appropriate applicants competing for them. If you’re a small business struggling to recruit, you’re definitely not alone! In a series of three articles, we delve into some insider’s tips about how to be smarter in order to retain talent, attract talent and win talent in a tightening employment market.....
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Smart HR: How to attract talent in a tightening employment market – company profile and reputation.

by Melissa Behrend | Oct 15, 2021
When recruiting staff is tough because demand exceeds supply, part of the solution lies in retaining and developing your existing employees to grow alongside your business. Here’s how to help keep employees feeling the love. The Post-Covid labour market in Australia is a seller’s market. This means there is a surplus of job vacancies compared to the number of appropriate applicants competing for them. If you’re a small business struggling to recruit, you’re definitely not alone! In a series of three articles, we delve into some insider’s tips about how to be smarter in order to retain talent, attract talent and win talent in a tightening employment market.....
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Topics: Flexible work

Smart HR: How to retain talent in a tightening employment market – what employees want.

by Melissa Behrend | Sep 7, 2021
When recruiting staff is tough because demand exceeds supply, part of the solution lies in retaining and developing your existing employees to grow alongside your business. Here’s how to help keep employees feeling the love. The Post-Covid labour market in Australia is a seller’s market. This means there is a surplus of job vacancies compared to the number of appropriate applicants competing for them. If you’re a small business struggling to recruit, you’re definitely not alone! In a series of three articles, we delve into some insider’s tips about how to be smarter in order to retain talent, attract talent and win talent in a tightening employment market.....
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Topics: Flexible work

Three common HR problems faced by SMEs (and how to fix them)

by Melissa Behrend | Aug 17, 2021
Without a dedicated Human Resources expert in your business, the struggle is always on to find the right people, develop and keep good staff, manage conflict when it arises, and generally keep on top of your HR obligations. In this article, we take you through the three most common HR problems SMEs encounter and give you some advice about what to focus on and how to get it right. Getting HR right matters All employers are faced with HR challenges from time to time. But when you are running and growing a small business, you are often forced to juggle too many things at once. With time stretched and other needs and issues competing for your attention – HR could be the ball you drop. But it’s one area of your business that definitely needs expert guidance and support, whether internal or outsourced because people are the life-blood of your organisation.....
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Topics: Flexible work

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