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Update on Anti Harassment Order

by Melissa Behrend | Jul 23, 2021
In our blog HR and the law: recent updates to workplace sexual harassment, we outlined that the Federal Government released a Roadmap for Respect which focused more on employers taking proactive, positive steps to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.....
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Topics: HR Audit

Work from home: ‘parasitic employers’ or a win/win for all?

by Melissa Behrend | Jul 14, 2021
There are some strong feelings about employees working from home on both sides of the fence. Whatever your personal position, there are certainly some lasting changes as a result of the pandemic. The important thing for your business is to make sure that you’re on the front foot about expectations and transparency with your employees. Harry Triguboff, billionaire developer, calls employers who support work from home ‘parasites’ Harry Triguboff is an Australian property developer with strong opinions about the work from home reality for many businesses and workers because of the pandemic. He has called bosses who allow employees to work from home ‘parastites’ because, according to Harry, flexible working arrangements threaten both productivity and occupancy of city office spaces. In his opinion, the Meriton founder, who is worth an estimated $11 billion, estimates that employees are only “working half the time”. Harry’s sentiments are echoed in America by Goldman Sachs CEO, David Solomon who has called remote work an “aberration” and “not a new normal”. However, there is a distinct lack of evidence to Harry’s claims and David’s sentiments about flexible work. What is clear, however, is that many employees are thriving under the new HR arrangements. According to a recent survey conducted by the enterprise software giant Atlassian, 77% of workers who participated in the study believed their overall work life balance has improved because of working from home. The company’s work futurist ....
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Topics: HR Audit

Making KPIs work for your business – 6 things you need to know

by Melissa Behrend | Jun 11, 2021
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are metrics used to track an organisation’s or an employee’s progress towards a business goal or objective. It is a powerful tool for managers but one that is sometimes misunderstood or incorrectly implemented. Here’s how to get it right. KPIs are the link between where your business wants to go and how it will get there KPIs are measurable values that help managers understand how well the company and its employees are tracking against important business objectives or goals. Understanding and using KPIs effectively is an extremely powerful way to manage business performance and motivate employees. But there are some key things you need to know and get right to make KPIs work for you:....
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Topics: HR Audit

Get HR Fit for the new financial year Step 3: HR policies and procedures

by Melissa Behrend | May 27, 2021
The new financial year is only three months away. Now’s the time to get on the front foot with your company’s HR planning. This article is the third in a series where we give you a simple three-step plan to start the new financial year in great HR shape. Keeping employees focused on the big picture while giving them a clear pathway to everyday success is the secret sauce that turns great players into a high-performance team.....
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Topics: HR Audit

Get HR Fit for the new financial year Step 2: Job descriptions and job expectations

by Melissa Behrend | May 19, 2021
The new financial year is only three months away. Now’s the time to get on the front foot with your company’s HR planning. This article is the second in a series where we give you a simple three-step plan to start the new financial year in great HR shape. You can read about Step 1: HR audit here. Your people are the heart and soul of your business. Taking the time to make sure that everyone is working well together, and that you have all your bases covered, is the best way to set everyone up for a win.....
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Topics: HR Audit

Get fit for the new financial year

by Melissa Behrend | May 6, 2021
Step 1: HR audit The new financial year is only three months away. Now’s the time to get on the front foot with your company’s HR planning. This article is the first in a series where we give you a simple three-step plan to start the new financial year in great HR shape. Your people underpin your success. So taking the time to strengthen and improve your HR systems and processes will ensure that whatever challenges and opportunities lie ahead – your business will be in fighting fit form to meet them.....
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Topics: HR Audit

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