HR On Call Blog | HR services for small business

Employee Engagement & the Employee Lifecycle

Written by Melissa Behrend | Oct 28, 2020


It can be hard to retain your workers long-term. That’s why smart employers go early and go hard to boost employee engagement, giving their staff every reason to stay.


Within your business you can develop an employee engagement strategy covering every stage of the work lifecycle. This will help you build a strong and enduring employer brand - ensuring you win and retain top talent, now and into the future.

Engagement is the key to long-term relationships

Engagement matters. It’s the bedrock of all good employer-employee relationships. Yet real engagement only happens when your employee feels seen, appreciated and encouraged.


This is shown in the Qualtrics 2020 Global Employee Experience Trends report. According to the report, respondents have high expectations of the companies employing them.


Their top five work demands are:

  1. Confidence in senior leadership to make good decisions (53%)
  2. Opportunities for learning and development (60%)
  3. A clear link between work and company strategic objectives (57%)
  4. Recognition for good work (55%)
  5. Managers who help employees with career development (50%)

The top three employee suggestions to boost engagement are:

  1. Ask for feedback, listen, then take positive action.
  2. Listen more when things are changing.
  3. Invest in manager and career development.

Boosting lifecycle engagement – every step of the way

Employees have clear work expectations. How can employers fit these requirements into the employee lifecycle?



Start right at the beginning, as candidates begin their job hunt. Make your social media platforms appealing, user-friendly and on point. Show that you are a caring, ethically responsible company with employee welfare top of mind.



Give all your hiring material the human touch. Use thoughtful and personalised communications that always leave a positive impression. Candidates are people, not just numbers or prospects.



Every step of your onboarding process should be relevant to the worker. Make all communications clear and easy to understand. Focus on welcoming the new hire, integrating them into strong teams and giving positive messages which inspire and encourage them to succeed.



Never let your employees work in a vacuum or endlessly repeat the same work process. Offer them the opportunity to learn new skills, try new roles, hook up with a mentor or investigate areas of interest. A ‘learning culture’ is an integral part of your employer branding.



Employees who feel truly connected to their workplace are more likely to stay for the long run. As the Qualtrics report shows, employees want bosses to ask for feedback, listen to the response, then act on it. If they feel recognised and appreciated, you stand a greater chance of keeping them.



Never part on a bad note. Keep positive messaging until an employee leaves. The departing employee will be a brand ambassador for your company, spreading the word of your strengths and failings.


HR consultants can help small and medium sized business to secure the employee lifecycle, in turn improving your employer brand. Ask us how!