Contributing Author - Jeanetta Munro
In recent blogs, we have spoken about the actions which can get your business in front of the Fair Work Commission.
- Use existing / available resources
Fair Work have a range of free tools on their website that can help companies comply, including
- Pay and conditions tool, which can provide minimum relevant rates of pay
- A range of resources designed to help improve supply chain management (if applicable)
- Email alerts for minimum wages updates
- Fact Sheets
Companies can access the Fair Work Site to access free tools, download fact sheets or contact Fair Work directly for advice on pay, terms and conditions.
- Know your Awards
Companies should know which award/s apply to their employee’s, and whether you are meeting all obligations under that award. The Award sets the minimum terms and conditions for employees.
- Check for the “BOOT” Basics
You should review employment contracts to ensure you are meeting minimum terms and conditions of the Award. If you are paying a salary or are under a workplace agreement, you should reconcile the amounts to ensure your employees are compensated for all relevant entitlements and are no worse off then what they would be under an Award.
- Don’t Delay on Compliance!
Finally, if there are any breaches employers should immediately rectify breaches of minimum pay and conditions owing to employees. Do not ignore compliance notices issued by the Fair Work Ombudsman. The Fair Work Ombudsman can (and will) prosecute both companies and individuals for breaches.
- Seek Professional Advice
Sometimes, navigating the maze of industrial instruments which include Awards, Contracts and Agreements can be complex with the penalties for not getting “it right” considerable. If Companies are not sure how to comply then they should seek professional advice for a review to check current practices meet compliance.